Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tag--You're It! A: Ahem

Welcome to my blog!  Recently I was visited by the Muse of Decorating Public Places, who tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Tag, you're it!" Since yarn is my medium--knitting and crochet--rather than spray paint, I started creating fiber graffiti.  I installed my first tag very nervously on a quiet Sunday morning, sure that traffic would screech to a halt and police would appear to throw me in handcuffs.  To my relief, no one even noticed.  

My tags are named by letters of the alphabet, like hurricanes.  The first one, a very simple design, is "Ahem", because it draws just a bit of attention.  It adorns a pole on the corner of our street which was very sad because it had lost its identity.   It used to hold our street sign, but a new pole was installed on the other corner and took over that responsibility, leaving this poor guy topless.  He's much happier now with some decoration.

A standard signpost (stop sign, street sign, etc.) is about 7 5/8", so I make a flat piece with that dimension, and sew it together around the post with yarn and a tapestry needle.  A wooden post is often a 4x4, so 16" around.  

I live in Santa Barbara, Ca., so most of my yarn tags are there.  This one is on the corner of my street, Camino Cascada.   




1 comment:

  1. J. Saw your yarn tag on Foothill and 154!
    Love it! Had to look carefully to find it, but there it was! Will try and tag something tomorrow..
